Top 5 Essential Gadgets for Your Car


Many people use the option of a personal vehicle for travel, errands, and business. The very use of these vehicles is a huge convenience, as opposed to having to use public transportation in terms of the ease of moving in your own time and having control over where you are going. People learn to rely on their vehicle, that is why safety is incredibly important, this may mean that they will have to trade their car in for a better model. If that is the case, they will want to look into websites such as to see how this can be done. Anyway, there are gadgets that are good to have with your (potentially new) vehicle for the sake of expediency, and in many cases, these gadgets can provide ways that help you save money.

MPG Meter – A mile per gallon meter will keep you up to date with exactly how much travel you are getting out of your car for what you’re putting in it. While vehicles come with a generic count as to expectation, this enables the opportunity to know in the moment with driving conditions considered exactly what is going on around you and making you fully aware as to whether you need to fuel up or not. Running out of fuel can be an incredibly stressful situation, and this provides the most accurate way of assessing and preventing that.

A fuel mizer– If you are trying to become a better driver, this may be an excellent item to consider. It monitors your driving with a stop light-like light cycle. It monitors your breaks, your acceleration, and evaluates via red being bad, yellow being moderate, and green being good driving. Sometimes a little bit of guidance and awareness can change someone from being a bad driver to a good and cautious driver.

A GPS that is solar powered – While a GPS in itself saves money by preventing endless traveling while lost. The solar powered concept will also save the battery charge that is required, whether it is charged via electricity or your car battery. It maximizes the advantage of the invention, and should the option to charge via the car not be there, you have the sun to keep it alive and going, getting you to your destination in a minimum amount of time. Let’s face it, no one likes to travel around lost, it can be a very stressful time.

A solar battery charger – The best thing you could use this for is the mobile phone. How often are you out and about and something occurs that you need desperately to make a phone call, and oh look, 1 bar and there it goes, your phone shuts off. Well, look up, the sun is your new best friend. With a solar-powered battery charger, this is no longer a problem because you can now provide a necessary charge to your communication device and get back in touch with the world. A solar battery charger enables a world of options, and alone can be the solution to an endless amount of problems. You can also get a solar car battery charger for charging your car when its battery dies – useful for those times you’re out in the middle of nowhere!

The Eco-Pedal – This is actually a development by Nissan and it allows the driver to get a little bit of push-back from the driver pedal to create awareness as to how fast they should really accelerate. This helps maximize fuel economy as well as safety.

So there you have it, gadgets that give options to maximize your time on the road with efficiency and safety. Don’t overlook what can be easily obtained.

Author Bio: Bradley Taylor is an automotive blogger, journalist and enthusiast. Connect with Bradley on Google Plus.

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