Gaming Headset Recommendations and Comparisons

This page contains a compilation of our best gaming headset guides, reviews, recommendations, and comparisons. We regularly test out the newest gaming headsets and any test we do will usually show up in the list below.

Best Budget Gaming Headsets Under $100 – This recently updated guide looks at a few of the top budget gaming headsets under 100 dollars.

Razer Blackshark v2 vs Logitech G Pro X – This post compares these 2 popular headsets from top gaming companies Razer and Logitech.

Logitech G933 vs Hyperx Cloud Revolver – We compare two top headsets in this guide.

HyperX Cloud 2 vs Razer Blackshark v2 – This is another comparison of two of the best headsets on the market right now.

Logitech G Pro vs G Pro X – This guide looks at 2 similar offerings from Logitech.

Logitech G Pro vs HyperX Cloud II – The G Pro and Cloud II are super popular. We look to see how they stack up to each other.