Gaming Keyboard Recommendations and Comparisons

This page contains a compilation of our best gaming keyboard guides, reviews, recommendations, and comparisons. We regularly test out the newest gaming keyboards and any test we do will usually show up in the list below.

SteelSeries Apex 3 vs HyperX Alloy Core – This comparison looks at the popular Apex 3 vs the HyperX Alloy Core.

Razer Huntsman vs Razer Blackwidow v3 – We look at two of the highest rating Razer keyboards to see how they stack up to each other.

Best Budget Gaming Keyboards – This post looks at the benefits of a gaming keyboard and a few of the top keyboards under $100.

Logitech G815 vs G915 – We check to see how these similar keyboards compare to each other.

Razer Ornata vs Cynosa – We get asked often about whether to pick the Ornata or Cynosa.

Best 40% Keyboards for Gaming – This post looks at what a 40% keyboard is and which ones are good for gaming.