Keyless Entry Systems: Lockitron Unlocks Doors with Smartphone Devices

Starting this year, several smartphone-controlled home-locking systems are scheduled to be released, a development that could soon make losing your keys never an issue. The public appears to have an appetite for such devices as proven by the successful crowdfunding campaign of Lockitron. The startup exceeded its funding goal by 1,000 percent in only a few days, according to LifeHacker. At $1.5 million and counting, people are pouring money towards the concept of a remotely locked home. Recently at German Innovation Award – FSB L700 Lighaccess Pro which is a smart lock won the award. This potentially demonstrates that globally different ways of locking doors are becoming a relevant issue.


Lockitron is a straightforward device. Fitting over your existing deadbolt on the inside of your door, it communicates with your phone over Wi-Fi. Using an app on your phone, you simply press a button to lock and a button for unlock. As long as you have Internet connection, you can control entry into your house from anywhere in the world.

The creators of Lockitron initially intended to seek funding for their product with Kickstarter, but the hot crowdfunding website recently changed its rules to reorient itself back toward art and away from hardware products. With a rejection from Kickstarter, Lockitron was forced to create its own crowdfunding site.

The effort paid off, with Lockitron getting far more orders than it expected. The product is scheduled to launch in the summer of 2013.

Goji’s Smart Lock

The Goji Smart Lock is another product intended for release in 2013. It takes the smart lock concept even further, with a digital display and Bluetooth connectivity. This should allow you to unlock your door using the Goji simply by being close enough to it with your phone, according to Gadget Review.

The Goji rests on the outside of your door and can even take pictures of each person accessing your home.

DIY Security

These smart locks are intended to function as DIY products. Installation is designed to be simple and straightforward. To install the Lockitron you loosen the cover of your deadbolt and slide a plate behind it, a base the Lockitron unit connects to, the company claims. You control the unit online or through your phone, and can always use your old key if necessary.

With Goji, you remove the original deadbolt and replace it with the Goji unit. It allows you to open the door using your phone, a key fob or an actual physical key. You can even send temporary keys to other users, according to Gadget Review.

This ease of install is an important consideration. DIY home security options are an excellent way to save money. Professional installations can be expensive, making DIY options appealing to many consumers.

Security Concerns

Not everyone is completely comfortable with the idea of using smartphones to unlock their homes. Some fear that individuals could hack into their system and unlock their door.

Manufacturers have attempted to ease some of those concerns by using top-notch security features on products. Both Lockitron and Goji feature banking security and encryption, making unwanted access unlikely. Both companies allow you to reset your password immediately by going online, and Goji offers both an online reset option and a 24-hour call center number.

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