Is It Good To Be On The Computer All Day Long?

You may perceive working in front of the computer as one of the most relaxed jobs nowadays. But, you’re definitely wrong. It’s quite tiring on your body considering that you’re working on the computer all day long. Prolonged sitting, excessive use of the keyboard and mouse and looking at the screen for an extended period is considered dangerous to your overall health. In other words, staying longer on a computer is indeed unhealthy. In this article, you’ll know whether being on the computer for more than a few hours on a daily basis can be beneficial or the contrary.

Top Reasons Why Working with Computers is Harmful

With advances in technology, working on something doesn’t require you to leave your chair. Meaning, you can conduct business or do your job while sitting. In fact, spending more hours sitting has been the norm now. However, this kind of working lifestyle is tied to an array of health problems including computer-related injuries. Below are the common reasons why extensive computer use is terrible for your health:

  1. Sitting in front of the computer may kill you

When you’re doing something with the use of your computer, sitting for a long time is a requirement.

  • For instance, your blood circulation is affected when you tend to sit for a more extended period. It can be considered as a serious health risk that you must be wary of.
  • Furthermore, when your back suffers from stress, the likelihood of overeating is high. In the end, sitting can cause weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, and other related illnesses. A lot of people who work in office jobs try to suppress their weight gain by eating a healthy diet and exercising.

On the other hand, there’s actually nothing wrong with sitting. What makes it dangerous is the fact that you’re doing it excessively. Here’s what you can do to prevent sitting from becoming a major health problem:

  • Take a break, walk around and stretch.
  • Don’t forget to take regular breaks when working all day.
  • Don’t sit for too long. Make use of working while standing using a standing desk.
  • Remember to exercise before and after work to strengthen your muscles.
  1. Prolonged looking at the screen can result in eye strain and other vision problems

You may experience fatigue even if you’re only staring at a bright screen of your computer.

  • In most cases, vision problems such as eye strain are common to people who are working with technology.
  • Once your eyes have become exhausted, you’ll experience blurred vision, headaches, itching eyes, burning and some temporary eye disorders. Luckily, eye strains caused by excessive computer exposure don’t lead to more severe vision problems.

As you spend more than four hours in front of a computer screen, you’re undoubtedly susceptible to getting eyestrains. But like other health issues associated with technology use, staring at the computer all day can be prevented by these steps:

  • Buy a quality screen protector that suits your computer.
  • Make use of your computer’s settings to dim its brightness depending on the lighting of your room.
  • Blink your eyes as much as possible.
  • Keep a reasonable distance between your eyes and your computer screen.
  • Try to adjust the lighting of your rooms in a way that it complements the display of your computer.
  1. Inappropriate posture can cause pain

While you’re working with a computer, you may develop bad posture which is why many people opt for a Standing Desk to prevent back and neck pain. However, it’s worth keeping in mind that inappropriate position is not only a result of sitting. It can occur even if you’re standing or walking.

  • Most of the time, your daily activities can either strengthen or weaken your muscles. Depending on what you do, it will always have an impact on your physical health.
  • Most of the time, bad posture while working in front of a computer can be a source of pain in the back, neck and even shoulders. Certain exercise regimes, such as this Unlock Your Hip Flexors program, can help improve posture and prevent back pain.

Remember, developing back pain, neck and shoulder pain can be a frightening experience, which is why getting to know some of these common remedies can be helpful to prevent these health issues from disturbing your life:

  • Don’t forget to massage your back and neck.
  • Make use of frequent breaks and stretching to fight off health risks associated with bad posture.
  • Provide something that supports your lower back.
  • Try to lean back when you’re working on a computer.
  1. Persistent and repetitive movements can cause injuries

Continual physical movements while sitting in front of the computer can hurt your muscles, nerves, and tendons. Talking about repetitive strain injury, it’s considered as a more severe form of bad posture which usually affects the hands and wrist.

Like other computer-related injuries, repetitive strain injury can also be treated with these practical steps:

  • Try to make adjustments with your sitting position to minimize strain on your back, neck, shoulder, and wrists.
  • Make sure you keep your hands and arms comfortable.
  • When you’re using your mouse or keyboard, make sure you use very little force.
  1. Computer use all day long can cause anxiety and depression

While computers are considered as efficient tools that help in getting more work done, you can’t still get away from the anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. Furthermore, when you spend more time working with computers, you’ll more likely devote less time with your family, friends, and colleagues.

Remedies are also available when technology use has already affected your daily activities. Below are some ways to help you stay healthy:

  • Try to meditate before or after work.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Go out with family and friends.
  • Do some social activities after work.
  • Perform regular breathing exercises.
  • Look for social interactions.

Is being on the computer all day long good or bad for you? Actually, staring at the computer for hours every day can strain your body and can really cause some health problems. Fortunately, there are effective ways of preventing computer-related injuries from interfering your life. Remember, too much use of computers is dangerous for your well-being. In the end, we hope the information presented in this article can provide you with better insight. If you want to keep yourself healthy, try to make the most out of these steps, and you’ll surely get the life you want.

Dianna Charles

Dianna Charles is a promising young law enthusiast that hopes to bring her youthful spirit in her field. She tries to add a refreshing modern take to topics on the legal world that people can learn from. Dianna enjoys her free time with friends and family, and loves to cook for them.

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