How Blogger Outreach Can Help Boost Website Rankings

Increasing your website rankings is perhaps one the most challenging tasks a marketer could have, especially considering the millions of websites in Google’s index alone to compete with. However, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible to achieve, as with the right digital marketing near anything is possible. This is especially the case if you use something like blogger outreach correctly, as this effectively helps you leverage your strengths and relevance to propel you to a much higher place in Google’s site hierarchy. If you haven’t heard of blogger outreach before, this article will help you out.

Blogger Outreach: Can Blogs Really Increase Website Rankings?

Just because you already have an existing digital marketing strategy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider adding another one to the mix. In fact, research shows that 61-percent of Baby Boomers, 71-percent of Gen X, and 72-percent of Millennials appreciate a multichannel marketing strategy. This means you shouldn’t rely on just one method to improve on your branding. In fact, 68.52-percent of readers say blogs add a form of credibility to a company website, and 70-percent of customers would want to get to brands that rely on blogs more than ads. This doesn’t mean you should abandon advertisements entirely though. An appropriate mix of these channels can get the results you need, the same way using a blogger outreach service can help boost website rankings.

Blogger Outreach And Website Rankings: How Do They Blend

Blogger outreach and website rankings, despite how far they seem to be as concepts, are actually very much related when it comes to digital marketing. When you do a competitor analysis, you’ll get to see how websites with blog pages have better ranking and success. So, one concept affects the other and, but when done correctly, can give you the competitive edge you need against your peers. Here’s how it can help boost your rankings:

  • Create value, and therefore traction, for your brand: When you do blogger outreach for your website rankings, you might be thinking about a lot of numbers. You should stop that for a second and consider just why Google and other search engines put sites on top of their lists in the first place. When Google made its announcement on listings awhile a go, it said the priority of their list is to put the most relevant content to the top of the rankings. This means google focuses on value, and so should you. Blogger outreach adds value to your brand’s voice, advocacy, and core values.
  • Bloggers add a degree of credibility to your brand: Search engines value credibility because this establishes how reliable you are in your particular industry. Having people who represent customers, such as bloggers, write about you means they have a particular opinion on your brand that is more or less unbiased and honest. After all, bloggers focus on making sure their audiences stay well-informed with up to date and relevant content. As such, their opinion more or less counts as “reliable” for their audiences, and as such good ratings from them may mean that you, by extension, are reliable as a brand as well. This is great for search engines such as Google, as this establishes you as a reputable member of your niche.
  • Natural promotion can get you higher quality links and content: When you search for bloggers to write about you, chances are you’re getting content written from an honest and personal perspective. Aside from boosting your credibility, you actually get fresher and more natural content from bloggers, instead of usual targeted content that you might make as per your strategy. This is a big deal, as sometimes search engines and audiences of your posts can think that you’re just curating your posts. When someone else writes it and backlinks to your site, it appears more natural and therefore more desirable. However, make sure that these links lead the audience to a high-converting landing page that presents a clear and focused call to action. You should also clearly state your value proposition in the headlines and subheadlines of your landing page, as well as how your product differs from that of your competitors. If you’re new to marketing and want to learn how to build an effective landing page that could increase conversion rates, it might be worthwhile to check out online courses offered by MECLABS or similar providers.
  • Higher quality links establish reliability, relevance: As stated above, search engines love reliable and relevant content from sites, as these establish a brand’s position in the market. When famous bloggers or bloggers with large audiences blog about you, you’re going to likely be in a position where other people can link to you from various places, and therefore gather reliable and high-quality links that make you an attractive prospect for Google to rank.
  • More audiences that engage with you means better traction: Aside from bloggers, when their respective audiences start talking about you even in social media, then you’re going to be in a good position to improve your SEO. Remember, the point here isn’t to just get people to buy products or services from you, but to rather generate value and appeal to your site.

Conclusion: Blogger Outreach Can Give Your Site Rankings The Extra Punch

If you’ve ever handled a website before, then you’ll know that giving your website rankings that extra push it needs can be quite a tricky thing to handle. With the above, you hopefully have a much better understanding on how blogger outreach can give you the kind of traction you need to support your ranking needs. Understanding the above can help you utilize the potential of blogger outreach and fit it with your existing strategies – and hopefully this can give you that extra boost for your benefit.

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