How To Block Websites On Android


Why block websites on Android? First of all, Android phones have become quite popular among kids and teenagers of all ages. Obviously, not all sites are safe for kids, and parents might as well consider blocking those sites on their kids’ smartphones. On the other hand, some adults find certain websites too addictive, affecting their concentration levels and productivity in day-to-day work. As a result, they may prefer blocking these sites for certain amount of time or until their work is done.

So, you own an Android phone and feel the need to block certain websites, then you must be looking for a step-by-step guide that can help you do so. If you do not know how to block certain websites on your Android phone, follow the below steps and you will be blocking sites in no time.

How To Block Websites On Android – Step-By-Step Process

Finding and Installing the Blocking App

Unfortunately, Android doesn’t allow you to block websites directly from the OS, like iOS does, at this time. Hopefully this is something they will add in the near future. So, for this, you will need to go to the “Play Store” on your Android device and find an app designed to block websites on your device. There are many apps for this, but 2 I would recommend are the Kaspersky Parental Control App and Safe Browser. If you don’t want to use one of these, make sure the app is compatible with your device. You can also check user ratings and comments to determine whether the app will work for your specific needs. The directions below are for Safe Browser, but they are likely going to be very similar no matter which app you choose.

● Download and install the app of your choice on your phone.
● Once the app is installed, open the application and go to its Menu.
● Select “Admin” from the listed items on the Menu tab.
● You will be prompted to type in our preferred user or admin password.
● Enter the desired password and re-enter to confirm. It is advisable to choose a strong password, with a combination of eight or more number and alphabets.
● Once you are done press “OK” to confirm.
● Once you have set up your password, the app will log you in as “admin”, where you can access the control panel and restrict specific websites.

Blocking the Site

In order to block a specific website, type the address of the site in the browser’s URL bar and confirm. Once the website is loaded, press the menu button and look for “More” options. On the sub menu, select the option “Add blacklist”. The application will automatically block the access to that site. Once the site is blocked, the user will not be able to access the blocked site even in admin mode.

Once you have all the sites you want to blocked, you should press the menu button again and exit the admin mode. This is to ensure that others are not able to undo the restrictions that you have just made. At this point, no one will be able to access these sites unless they have access to your admin account.  After you have the sites blocked, I would recommend giving it a quick test by trying to go to one of the blocked sites. This will confirm that you have successfully blocked the sites you wanted to block.

Know of another way to do this? Or, do you have an app you would like to recommend for this? Let us know in the comments!

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