Apps Your Android Phone Should Not Miss


Android phones are famous for their endless features. Users can multitask which means they can surf the Internet, check their Facebook notifications while listening to their favorite songs. As if multitasking wasn’t enough, Droids also have easy access to thousands of applications via the Google Android Android App Market. This app allows users to download different apps ranging from categories such as utilities, fun, productivity, video, music and books. With the thousands of apps to choose from, you may be having a difficult time choosing which ones you should download. Well, listed below are some of the coolest apps that your android phone should not miss.

  • IMO messenger: No matter how hard you convince your family and friends to buy an Android phone similar to yours or to switch to a single messaging platform, not all of them would just agree. The good news is, imo messenger supports everything from Facebook chat to Skype to Yahoo messenger and even allows you to link multiple accounts. You can make calls, send photos and audio and video media files and join in group conversations.
  • UberConference: This app is one of the best conference calling apps for Android phones. It features unlimited and hassle-free conference calling by only requiring you to select contacts you wish to join in on the call and the app will do the rest. Chosen contacts will automatically be dialed or sent an email inviting them to join. Aside from that, since the app integrates social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, you can learn more about the people you are talking to without you having to search for them and visit their pages.
  • Dolphin browser: This browser boasts of its speed and its sonar, gesture and add-on support. With its sonar feature, you can simply browse and navigate through the internet with voice commands while you can create gestures to access specific websites.
  • Best Apps Market: The Best Apps Market App features a list of the top apps, games and filters to help you decide among the thousands of applications available.
  • Flixster: This app will greatly be appreciated by movie lovers out there. It has a clean user interface, accurate movie listings and is integrated with the online movie critic, Rotten Tomatoes. With this app, users can browse what movies are showing as well as read their reviews in one simple click.
  • Google Keep: If you want to be more organized, then you would surely love this Google Keep app. It allows you to create notes and include photos to help you better remember them. There is even a widget that you can use to take photos instantly and your content is automatically shared through your Google account.
  • Hotel Tonight: If you travel a lot, make sure that you have this app in your phone. This is extremely helpful especially if you are on a hunt for a hotel at the last minute. The app will inform you of some excellent bargains and covers most major US cities and popular destinations around the world.
  • Out of Milk: Out of Milk app is a task manager and list app which allows you to store your lists and to-dos on the internet so can have access to them. Aside from that, the app is extremely organized which enables you to properly list down what you have and need to buy.

The apps listed above are only some of the coolest apps that the Google Android market has to offer. Which apps do you find interesting and which ones do you already have? If I missed out on other cool Android apps, make sure to let me know in the comments below!

About the Author

Justin is a Business analyst in an IT firm in NYC and has masters’ degree in computer science. He has keen interest in topics that relates to technology and gadget.

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