5 Ways to Enhance Your Gaming Experience

For most, gaming is an enjoyable way to pass the time, relax, have fun, and even provide solace from life’s troubles and strife. And with the increasing number of game developers, there are now thousands of games to choose from. If online gaming is something you’re passionate about then no doubt you would want to get the best (gaming) experience possible.

Fortunately, there are ways you can make gaming more enjoyable without breaking the bank or even spending money at all. Little adjustments here and there may be all the difference you need. Here are some ways you can enhance your gaming experience:

Update Drivers

If you have a relatively new gaming desktop or console and find that it’s slow or lagging more than usual, the answer may lie in updating drivers. In gaming rigs, the graphics card is usually the most important when it comes to gaming because it provides the visuals as it should be. By updating the graphics drivers and any other ones, your gaming experience will be smoother.

Take updates with caution because it is not imperative that you update everything to the latest ones. Developers can sometimes release bogeys or defective updates that may harm your device. Make it a habit of reading about what you’ll be subjecting your computer to when updating drivers.

Tweak Settings for Optimal Graphics & Performance

Mid-range to high-end hardware is awesome because you can get the best visuals of even the most graphically-demanding games. Unfortunately, not everyone has the funds to buy those kinds of hardware. Overclocking is an option for users of lower-end to mid-range rigs, but not everyone knows how.

If this option is no longer applicable to your own device because it is considered a relic, you may need to build a new gaming pc. Computers are considered essential for many tasks like work and it just so happens that gaming rigs are worth the money. They are fast and efficient so you can do both work and play on it. If you build it yourself, you can save quite a bit of money.

Or instead of buying, go to the game’s setting instead and play around with it. Adjust it to give you the most optimal graphics and performance according to how much your computer can handle it. Sometimes, manually tweaking the settings can cause your machine to slow down so take some precaution.

Get Better Internet

Playing online games are popular for a reason. It’s fun, you don’t feel so solitary when you’re playing alone, and games that require group effort are a satisfying feat when carried out successfully. Whether you’re in Call of Duty gunning down the enemy team or playing WOW with your guild in order to access better dungeons, your “ping” plays a vital role in your ability to participate. Ping is the strength and speed of your internet connection to the online gaming server and the higher it is, the more you will lag or straight up disconnect. Lagging and being disconnected are the pet peeves of most online gamers and one of the reasons why these things happen is because of poor internet connection.

If you really love playing online, you should consider upgrading your internet package to make it faster. When you have a good connection, there’s one less thing to worry than your quests and objectives in-game. Additionally, you can make your machine have better internet when you connect using a LAN cable instead of Wi-Fi.


Most older computers have hard disk drives (HDD) and while it may work perfectly, it can affect how fast your machine will load games. That is why gaming rigs make use of solid-state drives (SSD) because it is much faster and reduces loading times compared to the HDD. The reason is because the HDD uses mechanical parts that may become slow and unreliable with time.

Luckily, SSDs have really come down in price over the past few years. If loading times are one of your pet peeves, you should consider upgrading your HDD. You may find your gaming experience vastly improved.

Get Better Peripherals

The mouse and keyboard are important since it allows you to do tasks and of course, play games. There’s nothing wrong with getting standard peripherals because they work according to their specific functions. If you want to make your gaming experience better, consider investing in mouse and keyboard that are made for gaming.

Gaming mouse and keyboards are on a different level compared to their generic counterparts. With these, you are able to customize controls and buttons to your liking. A complicated spell or move in-game can be achieved with just one click of a key or button and doing this can make such a difference in your gameplay; making it more efficient in many ways. For first-person shooter games, it may be better to play around with the mouse sensitivity. Additionally, there are online platforms that have training modules that are specifically designed to improve your aim. You can expect better results with superior gaming peripherals and intensive aim training you received.

Generally, playing around with the settings of your peripherals to fit with your preference can improve your games. In addition to a gaming mouse and keyboard, consider getting a gaming headset.

Get Proper Rest & Exercise

Playing video games is all well and good but remember to take frequent rests and exercise. Sitting in front of the computer in the same position for hours at a time is bad for your posture and eyes. Listen to your body when it is hungry, thirsty, tired, or if it needs to use the bathroom.

How do you make your own gaming experience better? Sound off in the comments below.

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