Category Archives: Games

How Battlefield 4’s Levolution is Changing the Multiplayer Game

Destructible environments and alterations on multiplayer maps have long been an element of first-person shooters. However, in many cases, these changes are superficial, simply giving you a bit of visual eye candy without actually adding to the game play. Battlefield 4’s “Levolution” is poised to change this concept. The term, a portmanteau for level evolution, uses various optional events and actions on the multi-player maps to change the shape of the battlefield over the course of the round. Sometimes the changes are small and require the players to specifically take advantage of the changes. Other times, the changes are so significant, they change the way that particular map is played. read more

The Benefits of a Gaming Mousepad

One of the peripherals that often gets overlooked is the mousepad, particularly if you are a gamer. For the longest time, I did not use one and didn’t think I really needed one. Then, on a whim, I decided to give one a try and I have never looked back. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of a gaming mousepad and why you may want to consider one whether you are a gamer or not.

Gaming Mousepads are Larger and Thus More Ergonomic

The first big advantage of a gaming mousepad is that it is larger. By being larger than the average mousepad, you won’t have to pick up and set down your mouse nearly as often. If you are a gamer, you know that needing to pick up and center your mouse can really throw you off. This is particularly true in any game that requires quick and precise mouse movement. By not having to pick up and center your mouse as often, your in-game performance will surely improve. read more

Ready and Excited for Battlefield 4

Over the past few weeks, I have had the chance to play the Battlefield 4 Beta. Like all betas, there are a few bugs and even some performance issues. I am sure these issues will get worked out before launch though. I had the chance to play the BF3 beta and it had much worse issues in its beta period than BF4 does right now. Even with these issues, the game was still very fun, which is a great sign for a beta.

Battlefield 3 was my first time playing a game in the Battlefield series. I have been more of a counter-strike and Call of Duty player before trying Battlefield 3. I decided to give this game a try since it was on sale and I was not disappointed. The graphics were far and away better than COD. Also, I found game-play itself very fun. It really had something for everyone with both large and small maps and tons of different game modes. read more

The 5 Best Downloadable Board Games

Board games are a great way to pass a lazy day, and you really can’t go wrong with a classic family favorite like Monopoly, or gathering with friends to play a role-playing game like Dungeons and Dragons (which has a whole wealth of game options that you can find out about here). That being said, there can be some downsides to physical board games: time-sucking setup, enough board games for variety and some have complex scoring systems that practically require a math PhD.

However, you have an alternative that allows you to still enjoy your board games without all the hassle. Some companies allow users to download games of board game versions, which you can play with others on your device or with players from all over the world. There are a number of advantages to approaching board games in this fashion, such as letting the computer handle scoring disputes and some of the game rules. You don’t have to set or clean anything up after you install the game. Here are a few computer versions of board games worth checking out. read more

Adrenaline Rush or Blood Thirst? 5 First Person Shooter Games You Need to Play

If you’re interested in settling into the action for a virtual reality adventure, then first person shooting games are for you, but which ones are the best? Consider this list of the top five FPS games, in no particular order, on the market today.

1. BioShock – You Won’t Put the Controller Down

Image via Flickr by yotambientengosuperpoderes

BioShock delivers a range of components that keep players glued to the game, making it one of the most popular on the market. With a blend of suspense, intensity, and a gripping gameplay, BioShock sets you in a world full of new weapons and fresh environments for an entirely unique experience. Follow Jack as he fights his way through Rapture unlocking missions and discovering secrets on your PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Mac OS X, or the Cloud. read more