Easy Ways to Exceed the Character Limit on Twitter


Twitter is one of the biggest social networks in the world today. It is a great way to interact with friends, promote a business, or even just post about yourself. When you go to twitter.com and you try to compose a tweet, you are only allowed to use 140 characters max in your post. It also doesn’t look like Twitter will be dropping this limit anytime soon. They really like the short and to the point messages that usually show up in the feeds. However, what if you need to compose a tweet that goes over that limit? Well, you could try to be creative and say what you need to say in the allotted 140 chars. Where is the fun in that though, especially for those of us who like to get around limits and solve problems. Let’s take a look at how to exceed the 140 character limit on Twitter.

3rd Party Tools

Unfortunately, at this point, no one has found a way to go over the 140 char limit directly on twitter. However, many 3rd party application developers have found a way around the 140 character limit.


TwitLonger is a tool specifically designed to compose longer tweets. To use this, you will need to login to their site with your twitter username and password. After you do that, it is super easy to compose a tweet longer than 140 characters. I use this tool most of the time. However, sometimes I will use:


RichTweets is another solid tool that I use. Yet again, you will need to login with your Twitter credentials to use it. The nice thing about RichTweets is that it will let you use colors, add video, compose longer tweets, and more.

There are a ton of other free tools that you can use to compose tweets over 140 characters, but the above apps are pretty solid ones. If, for whatever reason, you don’t like the above applications, you could also look into Twextra, TinyPaste, and Jumbotweet.

Have a favorite or even better way to do this? Feel free to let us know in the comments!

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